history / Nicolas FEY set up the company

Othon fey in 1932

Born in Burbach in Saarland (Germany), tinsmith Nicolas FEY (1899-1972) set up his own company in 1932 in a small workshop in Neunkirch-lès-Sarreguemines in Lorraine.

Assisted by a tradesman and two apprentices, Nicolas’ main sector of business was the production and installation of gutters, roofing and farm sheds.

The company gradually developed its sales in the region, enjoying a particularly prosperous period in 1938-39 when it became one of the French Government’s contractors for the construction of the Maginot Line, mainly at Le Légeret and Simserhof.

Othon fey in 1932

Until 1949, Nicolas FEY and his eight employees worked on the reconstruction of the villages that had been partly demolished during the war, installing zincware, bathrooms and locks.

Later on, the company diversified from gutters to bathrooms, from water and gas pipes to repairs of church roofs and to the production of stove pipes, the famous “Owerehr”.
Over this same period, Nicolas extended his premises, covering an area of 120 sq. metres.